Someone once told me " Friends are meant to come and go. After they fulfill their purpose they move on". I thought that was the dumbest thing I had ever heard. Perfect excuse for ditching a friend in need. But now, events of life seem to prove her right.
Unless stuck in a mundane chain of events, people who search will find; they evolve constantly. Perhaps the degree of it might differ from person to person but change is inevitable for those who seek.
After the "great ten" I had the privilege of crossing paths with many new people. I have to admit, new experiences can really sting but thankfully not scar. Some significant people I owe great thanks to:
Bubbly, on the move, cool, indie was how I viewed her. Time was spent in the most fun ways with people I never thought I could mingle that much with. They always seemed the type I would have chosen to only observe from afar. Eccentric some might call them. M N. We grew closer over the next few months. We watched the stars, I cried on her shoulder, we shared life's woes over minced spicy chicken and next to the water. We sat on her grey comfort with drinks always nigh. I felt close somehow.
Wrong from the start. I knew it. Extremely obvious red flags. As gushes of wind blew as hard as it could, I flicked the ugly crimson flags off my face.
The mind really believes what the mind wants to believe. Quite comical really when pondered upon now the series of events, the exchange of words, the life size contradictions, the attempts at artful persuasion. Comical. I made myself victim to my own wants.
The grand finale? Pangs of emotions lighting up the face. Punches to the stomach as the air is forced out in painful jolts. A day without having to catch heavy sandbags with your chest was a day of kind absence, yet it was a migration of pain to the head, forming a sickening pulsating migraine.
It was a time of senseless taunts and accusations. Brilliant is the mind.
The perfect blonde hair blue eyed gentleman. Sitting at the table . His grey long sleeves hugged his idyllic face. Laptop in place, coffee set down. He stands up to greet me with the sweetest smile.
How does such a beautiful start proceed to the first "WTF". The scowls that followed. The smoothness of skin replaced with saliva passed from finger to hair and face. The calm collected confidence replaced with a made up fairytale only he believed was empirical. His stories a constant misinformed series of facts; the informant his own mind. To be fair, one would think matters of the heart corrupts the mind. But in this case, it applied to everything within his reach friend or foe alike. "What a shame really" was his favourite conclusion. I smile now thinking about it. What fragrant words oozing from the heart, only for it to be mere words devoid of emotional depth. Perhaps the most unintelligent person I had ever met whose commitment to his fallacies was his strongest point of wonder.
The last straw should have been the very confession that an 8 year old could really have been his best friend should the number alone been different. He was the one person I had ever met that had the highest regard for himself. In such a piece of writing , forgive me that I have to include an - LOL.
Of course I have many others to thank for the great life experiences of the past months. But, these are hands down the most interesting of them all. They have really drastically changed my view of what the world consist of. So thank you. M N. M B A. And M B L. To you- Applause.
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