Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Jazz chants are like poems, read with rhythm. It is absolutely fun to perform. Like what you have just heard on Youtube, Read this jazz chant with a partner. You may clap or snap softly.

Title: My Favourite food

I love it very much

My yummy French fries

I love the soft insides

I love the crispy coat

You can find it in McDonalds

can find it in my fryer

You can find it at

any fast food place

Yes you can

Yes you can

Practice makes perfect! Now, you are an expert!

Task Instructions:

In groups of four, create your own jazz chant about your favourite food.

You shall perform it to your classmates in 15 minutes time.

So get moving!

1 comment:

Charlene Wong said...

In case you were wondering what this was about, I created this post for my students at one point. After which i locked this whole site for a stored it away until i thought of Lazarus!